Category: programs

  • Projector Mapping and Gaming Today

    Powerful projectors have the ability to provide spectacular light shows that can transform landscapes right before our eyes. The augmented reality sandbox serves as a great introduction to the topic. However, what will gaming look like when any surface becomes a touchscreen?  Is this technology superior to V/R and Augmented Reality?

  • Think: Evolution of smart and interactive toys

    Video games and children’s toys have come along way in recent years. Balls with gyrometers that communicate with Apps on your smartphone, miniature two-inch R/C cars that can see the physical track around itself to predict turns and not tethered to a track in anyway. With advances in technology, there has been an influx of…

  • Intro to Sci-fi Competitive Gaming, and eSports

    Panel host Robert V. Aldrich and Dr. Joey Grandoziac of Press Start TV Radio discuss gaming on the professional circuit. We will be learning about upcoming Sci-fi related games, and answer the question “Should Gaming be considered a sport?”

  • Making Video Games with Little Coding

    Thanks to tools like GameMaker, Stencyl, and Construct 2, anyone can make a videogame. Spreading the word and inspiring new voices in games not only diversifies the voices involved in videogames and expands the medium, but it also helps demystify the process of game creation. Named Forbes 30 under 30 for games, James Cox shares…

  • Gamerfitness

    Jog in place as if you were speedrunning through a Mario game! Crouch and jump through imaginary video game scenarios as if you were Frogger! Matt Mahoney has been a fitness trainer for years and has prepared video game themed fitness training to Escape Velocity 2017.

  • Gaming the future

    Snapchat, Key Performance Metrics, and a number of other concepts have been gamified and you wouldn’t even know it. Learn how Game is used in every day technology to make your life an easier, fun place to live in.

  • Gamifying the classroom

    Learn how gamifying the classroom can assist teachers in engaging children and increase their cognitive skills.

  • Gaming Addiction

    Gaming is fun, but can we have too much of a good thing? Learn about game addiction and join an interactive discussion about what separates normal, enthusiastic gaming from an unhealthy addiction.  

  • Kiini Ibura’s idea

    Alien and self-how writers might use the alien to contemplate themselves. This panel discussed using aliens as a tool of reflecting ones own alienation.

  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

    Let’s celebrate 200 years of Frankenstein! Panel will discuss the novel’s influence, modern echoes and adaptations, and the connections among science, ethics, and literature.