Author: Greg Viggiano

  • Rocky Horror Picture Show

    Midnight screening of the cult classic with live performers!

  • How did they Make That? Hobbyist edition

    Hobbyists and casual crafters discuss their tips, tricks, and methods.

  • How did they Make That? Pro edition

    Professional crafters and cosplayers discuss their crafting methods and tricks.

  • Behind the Mask

    This is a discussion, QA session all about the people under the costumes. The topics will primarily revolve around folks who make it their goal to look professional, and be presented as such whether as paid characters or charity volunteers.

  • Sci-Fi History: Comic Book Edition

    A brief glimpse into the history of Science Fiction, spotlighting the media of comic books and graphic novels.

  • Afrofuturism

    Afrofuturism can be characterized as an artistic movement – one that attempts to discover, recover, and reinvent the film, literature, and graphic art created by African-Americans and other Afro-diaspora peoples across the globe. Most fundamentally, literary Afrofuturism attempts to imagine a future in which black peoples and cultures have found a voice and gained visibility…

  • Alternative Sports and Gaming

    When we hear game, we often think “videogame.” There is a whole world of games outside of the traditional screen-based ones. These games involve moving our bodies through physical spaces, and at times don’t require technology at all. We’ll give an overview of what they are, a few examples, how to play them, where you…

  • BattleTech and Robotics

    Mech Warrior Living Legends developer Brian Smith and Ed Mullen of Robotics Center in Baltimore, MD talk about their knowledge of robotics in gaming and in real life. Learn about the history of BattleTech and the Mech Warrior universe, as well as their real lifer iterations with the groundbreaking advances of technology that is available…

  • Projector Mapping and Gaming Today

    Powerful projectors have the ability to provide spectacular light shows that can transform landscapes right before our eyes. The augmented reality sandbox serves as a great introduction to the topic. However, what will gaming look like when any surface becomes a touchscreen?  Is this technology superior to V/R and Augmented Reality?

  • Think: Evolution of smart and interactive toys

    Video games and children’s toys have come along way in recent years. Balls with gyrometers that communicate with Apps on your smartphone, miniature two-inch R/C cars that can see the physical track around itself to predict turns and not tethered to a track in anyway. With advances in technology, there has been an influx of…