Top Ten List for EV 2018

Things to Do: Vintage Sci Fi Lovers and Fans of all Stripes

  1. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of 2001: A Space Odyssey
    Does this film still amaze and bemuse you all at one? Let a panel of, yes, 2001: A Space Odyssey historians take you through humanity’s journey of awakening. First, a lecture. Then, they’ll watch the movie with us, kindly narrating the most puzzling and profound scenes. It will truly be an enlightening experience. Then, go to our exhibit hall to see the 2001 exhibition.
  2. Star Wars Selfie Bonanza
    With costuming groups representing both the Rebel Alliance and the Imperials, you can take selfies galore with all your favorite characters. In our Millennium Falcon cockpit, with Darth Vader, or both at the same time! Why choose? Don’t forget to watch the Saber Legion perform their lightsaber stunts on the big stage in the exhibit hall, either. Check our programming page for details.
  3. The Law of Star Wars
    This panel seeks to answer burning questions about the law in Star Wars: If Han shot first, is he a murderer, or was he in imminent fear for his life? What law, if any, binds those in rebellion against the Empire (or the Republic)? Are clones people? What are their rights (and the rights of robots)? Who owns R2D2 and C3PO? Can Darth Vader really just alter a deal?
    Now we know what lawyers really discuss behind closed doors.
  4. Play Cosmic Encounters
    New to Cosmic? Learn in a few minutes. Check out Cosmic Quick Start & Alien Combos, or any of the many Cosmic tutorials in the exhibit hall gaming section.
  5. Meet Author Greg Bear
    Award-winning science fiction author and Museum advisory board member, Greg Bear is coming to Escape Velocity! Greg’s Eon series is perfectly on-theme for this year’s event: Other Worlds. Greg will be discussing Thistledown and the science behind building artificial worlds and about the Forerunner Saga and learn how he crafted the characters, setting, and story. Greg will also be signing books–check out Greg’s latest work here.
  6. Cosplay Fashion Show
    Come to our Saturday cocktail hour, then stay for our awards ceremony and cosplay fashion show!
  7. Stay Up Late
    With a dance party every night, and midnight movies, who has time for sleep? Dance with DJ Shaleigh on Friday, then retire to the Ghostbuster’s Quote Along or a civilized screening of Planet of the Apes. And be sure to save some juice for Friday night’s shadowcast of Rocky Horror Picture Show!
  8. Get Physical
    Feeling lethargic after geeking out all night? With two DC Stunt Coalition workshops, a fusion dance class, and Saber Legion lightsaber fights, there are lots of ways to get moving again!
  9. Expand Your Mind with Literature Panels
    Attend one of many thought provoking literature panels. Celebrate science fiction greats, including Mary Shelley and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Hear from today’s most prolific writers, David Brin and Greg Bear. Our panels explore topics as broad as zombism, feminism, religion, art, and language.
  10. Anime, All the Way
    Our friends at Anime USA have programmed over 30 hours of awesome Anime panels and events. Topics include costuming, streaming, Japanese culture, futurism, and STEM! If Anime and EV had a little baby con, this would be it!


Things to Do: Families
There’s just no shortage of amazing! Between the nonstop events at Escape Velocity and all the fun ways to play at National Harbor, your family is sure to be occupied all weekend! Book a hotel room for naptime and stay all weekend! Here are the Top 13 things to do, because we just couldn’t narrow it down to 10 (or 13)!

  1. Dress up!
    No sense waiting for Halloween you’ve got a good costume to wear! Think it’s especially creative? Enter our costume contest
  2. Go to the Nearest Museum – The Museum of Science Fiction Gallery!
    Take a self guided tour through our Gallery in the Annapolis 2 room right there at the Convention Center! This year, we celebrate special Sci Fi anniversaries and creators with costumes, models, paintings. There are some scary monsters, so be prepared!
  3. Physics disguised as Stage Fighting with the DC Stunt Coalition!
    Did you know your body is like a big system of pulleys? Did you know that to get the maximum force from your lightsaber, it’s all about your stance? Come to multiple demos and workshops with the DC Stunt Coalition to see how stage fighting is really done!
  4. Learn to Code – the Sci Fi Way
    Attend one of many coding workshops by Boolean Girl or come for an interactive Minecraft session with D Coder Kids. See our schedule here.
  5. Hands-on activities for kids – Help a NASA Scientist
    Make a beeline for the Exhibit Hall for nonstop hands-on learning projects with NASA scientists, the Artway Alliance, and our other vent partners!
  6. Trap Ghosts with the Ghostbusters!
    Keep our convention free of paranormal activity! Take a selfie with the Tri-State Ghostbusters and their Ectomobile! You can play with the ghost trap, just don’t cross the streams.
  7. Play Games!
    You’ll never see a more complete board gaming library! And just like the public library, it’s totally free. No need for a library card, even! Educational games for kids all off ages (k-12), all the way to the most advanced strategy games (which were, no surprise, donated by our geeky lawyer.) Did we have Cosmic Encounters this year, too!
  8. Star Wars Dough Ornaments
    Sure to become a family heirloom! Make your custom dough ornaments and treasure them always. Yoda says, “Supervise small padawans you must! Eat them you must not! For looking-at they are!”
  9. Give Darth Vader a High Five
    Can you bring Darth Vader back from the dark side with some positive attention? For sure, he’ll be smiling under his helmet if you stop the 501st Legion’s pavilion in the exhibit hall to see him and his stormtroopers.
  10. Have your parents arrested by Klingons
    An early Father’s Day present? Go to the Museum Gift Store outside the exhibit hall to place a warrant for your loved ones’ arrest. Describe him to the Klingon jailers, who will place him in the Klingon Jail. For an extra donation, torture at the hands of a Klingon Warrior!
  11. Join Starfleet!
    Learn all about teamwork, logistics, and strategy on the the Bridge Simulator! The sim is free and you can go as many times as you like! Just stop by the Annapolis 1 room early in the day to sign up!
  12. Take a Nap
    With so much excitement, the kiddos (and maybe mom and dad) will need a little nap time. Book your hotel room at the Gaylord National Convention center by May 4th for special rates.
  13. Explore National Harbor
    From the Capital Wheel, to kayaks, to the Peeps Store, there’s a lot to see and do in National Harbor. A major bonus? Stay in costume! Local business delight in seeing our con-goers all decked out!



