We are 106 days away from another exciting Escape Velocity event, but when it comes to reaching the minimum speed to break free from Earth’s gravitational pull, we have to first wish congratulations to Mr. Elon Musk! Yesterday’s liftoff and landing of your Falcon Heavy was like watching a scene from a science fiction movie! You took us from imagination to reality . . . and soon to the moon, Mars, and beyond. Well done!
We have our Future of Travel boarding passes to Mars ready to go . . .
Download our free MOSF app to get yours today! iOS Android
EV 2018 Programs
Check out Escape Velocity’s first cut of our 2018 programs. Whether you’re interested inFemale Embodiment in the Post-Apocalyptic Survival Narrative or Invasions: Other Worlds of Military Science Fiction, it will be there! Help NASA celebrate Earth Rise: 50 Years and learn more about Fantastic Beasts Part 2: Alien Anatomy or Humans, Cyborgs, Androids: Companions in the Exploration of Other Worlds!
DC Lecture Series
Join us for a quarterly lecture series beginning on February 22. The Museum of Science Fiction, K&L Gates, and the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation will present a four-part lecture series in Washington, DC focusing on present day and near future developments. The 2018 quarterly series will present four areas of interest for discussion and conjecture led by seminal leaders in the fields of: AI and Cognitive Computing, Commercial Space Travel (with David Brin), Asteroid Mining, and Robotics and UAVs. To read more, click here.
Journal of Science Fiction and the Museum Anthology
The latest issue of the Museum’s Journal of Science Fiction is available now! This issue features amazing work on Afrofuturism. Download your free copy now!
The Museum’s Anthology: Catalysts, Explorers & Secret Keepers: Women of SF is on sale now at Amazon. eBook, Paperback, hardcovers – click here.
The Boston Science Fiction Film Festival
The Boston Science Fiction Film Festival is an 11-day cinematic event held at the historic Somerville Theatre from February 9th to the 19th. The 2018 edition marks their 43rd anniversary as the oldest genre fest in America. For tickets, please click here.
Screenings at Escape Velocity
Planet of the Apes and 2001: A Space Odyssey are both celebrating 50th anniversaries this year. Don’t miss the film screenings and historical commentary by Museum staff experts.
Escape Velocity 2018 is 106 days away!
Don’t miss EV 2018 as we get ready to celebrate a few major anniversaries:
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818): 200 years
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968): 50 years
Planet of the Apes (1968): 50 years
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick (1968): 50 years
Battlestar Galactica (original series) (1978): 40 years
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983): 35 years
Babylon 5 (1993): 25 years
Fringe (2008): 10 years